Singing Guide: Little Feat

Singing Guide: Little Feat

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Little Feat is an American rock band formed in 1969 with diverse music influences including blues, rock, funk, and jazz. The band is known for its unique rhythm section, composed of Richie Hayward on drums and Sam Clayton on percussion, and for being able to blend complex musical genres to create a sound that is all their own.

If you want to learn how to sing like the lead singer of Little Feat, you should focus on developing your sense of rhythm, and hone your ability to blend different musical genres while maintaining your own unique style.

One of the notable characteristics of Little Feat's lead singer, Lowell George, was his unique vocal technique. George had a raspy, bluesy voice that could effortlessly transition from soulful crooning to raucous rock and roll shouting. A great way to develop this technique is to practice singing with various degrees of intensity, paying attention to the different aspects of your voice, such as vibrato, resonance, and inflection.

To get started on your journey to singing like Lowell George, here are some practical tips that you can incorporate:

  • Analyze your voice: Understanding your natural voice type is crucial for developing your singing technique. Taking Singing Carrot's vocal range test is an excellent place to start.
  • Breathing is key: Proper breathing is essential to developing your singing voice. Learn about breathing basics and breath support in Singing Carrot's article.
  • Warm up with exercises: Try out the Farinelli breathing exercise and humming to warm up your voice before jumping into singing.
  • Find your voice registers: Learn how to identify your voice registers and vocal break as demonstrated in this Singing Carrots' article.
  • Focus on pitch accuracy: Little Feat's music is known for its complex rhythms and harmonies, so practicing pitch is crucial to mastering their style. Use the pitch accuracy test to assess and improve your pitch.
  • Learn how to perform on stage. Check out tips for overcoming stage fright, performing on stage, and the correct posture to improve your performance.

Here are some resources from Singing Carrots that can help you learn singing like Lowell George:

With a little practice and dedication focused on Lowell George's unique vocal technique and Little Feat's music, you can develop a unique singing style of your own while paying homage to one of rock music's most revered bands.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.